After completing the first script that my lovely and talented wife, Bonnie Hart and I Co-Wrote, the decision has been made to create something to ravish the eyes, titillate the mind... and stir the musical senses. The title: W A V
In the winter of 2019, while overdosing on the last few weeks of the Indie-streaming service "FilmStruck", I began to have a resurgence of love for guerilla film-making. After decades apart I rediscovered my roots for filmmakers like Wim Wenders and suddenly my mind was on fire.
I began to see a pattern in cinema of bold filmmakers chasing visions. Wenders' "Road Pictures" started out as lean films made with technology he could get his hands on. Having just completed an experimental and tightly budgeted short with my wife as a favor for our friend, Rob Kutner at Conan O'Brien's, I began to realize how much the technology had changed the playing field with film-making. This was a bitter sweet moment for myself.
All the while this was going on I was asked to audition for a part on "Fear The Walking Dead". Something that I was both pleasantly surprised by and that I saw as a sign that perhaps I should also rediscover my roots with acting. After all I had raised financing for my debut feature film off of an Award Winning Short, "Dead End" that I wrote / Directed and starred in.
At the same time I was preparing to undergo Mohs surgery to remove cancer from my face that I probably got during the filming of my debut film, "Bone Dry" in Death Valley. After the success of the surgery I became more impassioned to dive into a challenging Independent feature w/o the trappings of the cast of thousands.
Also, Inspired by the experience of working in front of the camera for Nick Cassavetes on "Yellow" as well as Directing myself in my short "Dead End", I began seeing what would become "WAV". A film heavily inspired by my love of Rod Serling stories and a vehicle to showcase undiscovered talents like my wife Bonnie E. Hart and Larsen Saied.
“We can HEAR the sound of the ground crackling as the figure comes closer to the lens. SLOWLY COMING INTO FOCUS. REVEALING Olivia Cross, 40 something. Porcelain skin. She's Elegant. Graceful. Beautiful. Her natural blonde hair seems to hauntingly whip around in reverse in the winds that are amplifying. She's focused on something that appears to be awe inspiring behind the lens, and doesn't appear to believe her eyes...”
In July of 2019 we completed our first draft to the script and were delighted by the enthusiastic response.
After taking in feedback we completed a fresh polish and are now focused on shooting a slick teaser to showcase at American Film Market.
An alarming number of people begin exhibiting signs of tinnitus that is spreading globally. After a couple contract the deafening "WAV", they black out, only to awaken in a world where everyone that did not hear the noise no longer exists. And so begins the journey of this couple as they attempt to find answers to the inexplicable. A desolate new world is revealed to them, sporadically inhabited by phantoms, dreams, hunter drones, religious zealots, rogue militia, doppelgangers, and the discovery that man’s obsession with lines drawn in the sand ultimately results in imprisoning themselves.
An homage to Rod Serling’s penchant for stories of the unimaginable with an allegory towards social and political themes. In the vein of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”, “The Leftovers”, and the Twilight Zone episodes “Where is Everybody”, “Walking Distance”, and “Mirror Image”.
A silhouette out of focus begins walking towards us in slow motion.
We can HEAR the sound of the ground crackling as the figure comes closer to the lens. SLOWLY COMING INTO FOCUS. REVEALING Olivia Cross, 40 something. Porcelain skin. She's Elegant. Graceful. Beautiful. Her natural blonde hair seems to hauntingly whip around in reverse in the winds that are amplifying. She's focused on something that appears to be awe inspiring behind the lens, and doesn't appear to believe her eyes.
CAMERA SWINGS around her REVEALING a tremendous phantasmagorical barrier directly in front of her. It looks not only like a behemoth heat wave ascending to the heavens, but an Aurora as well. High in the air above are dark clouds that flash with lightning, and occasional thunder. The thunder seems to pale in comparison to the single hum the barrier is emitting.
The closer she gets to the "wall" the more intrigued she is. She almost seems to be approaching one half of a parted sea. On the other side a cacophony of noise. Almost like that of lost souls.
A figure on the other side begins to slowly fade in as she approaches and it seems to imitate her every move until the two shapes are within feet of being able to touch one another.